My therapy work has a strong relational approach. A key belief of mine is that a principal driver for us in life is to improve the quality of our relationships, whether to ourselves, inner world, or how we relate to those around us. Our capacity to relate positively and develop more fulfilled relationships is a critical measure of human well-being. The aim is a core goal of my work.
Some influences in my work is the depth psychology of Carl Jung and his school of thinking, which also acknowledges the importance of identifying qualities and accessing the inner creativity of the person as a gateway in order to better understand their process of individuation and achieving towards greater balance. I also work with the models of transactional analysis and cognitive behavioural therapy to bring a solution focused approach to my work and alongside the more depth insight from therapy. This offers you practical and helpful tools to put into action, and so that you might be able to quickly tackle an issue.
I offer clients contemporary reading from authors who I find accessible and practical in their approach, to build resources between our sessions. This includes; Pia Mellody books on relationships and co-dependency, The Chimp Paradox by professor Steven Peters which provides an excellent guide to managing change and impulse control, and the Seven Habits of Effective People by Stephen Covey. My solution approach also encourages clients to work with their dreams, meditation techniques from the Buddhist tradition, and be curious about the question ‘who am I?’
My work is always forward looking and acknowledging that personal change can only happen once we have the insight to understand conflicting commitments a challenge poses. Where tough choices are to be made, one has to accept with compassion both what is gained and loss through any change. This enhanced personal and emotional resilience is the gift I believe therapy can offer.